Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wind Energy and Utililies

Wind energy is one of the fastest growing sources of generating new, clean energy. It is also one of the fastest growing sources of new electricity. Recently, 40% of all the newly generated electricity in the United States was created by wind energy project,s and more and more electric utility companies are adding wind energy as a source of clean, renewable electricity.

There are many benefits of using wind energy for utilities. One reason, the reason that this information is going on my blog, is that it reduces the risk of environmental harm (it's green!!). Wind energy doesn't create any carbon dioxide or pollution to the air. It doesn't require water, drilling, mining, transportation, or fuel; and doesn't produce any harmful waste products.

Another benefit of generating electricity from wind energy is it's good for the business's bottom line. Wind energy projects can be built and put into action very quickly. Also if you own the wind, additional rate based and tax related benefits are added to the utility as well. A third benefit of wind energy is stable pricing. turbine costs have recently increased, but that is only a short term thing. Long term price decrease are expected which will enable wind energy to compete with the costs of other forms of utility generation.

Those are just some of the major benefits; other benefits include regulatory treatment (utility regulators look kindly on wind energy), economic development/job creation, and customer satisfaction with green pricing options.

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