Monday, January 24, 2011

How I became interested in going green

     Going green is a topic that I am very interested in and believe that it is something everyone should take part in in someway. I became interested in going green through many different ways. I remember when the green movement first began a few years ago I had no idea what it was all about. I admit I was skeptical about the whole thing at first and thought it was just another pointless tree hugger thing, but as I started to look into it i realized that it's actually not pointless at all, it could help save our planet and improve our lives.
     Another encounter with going green that sparked my interest was in one of my classes. The class was called Contemporary housing and we had a whole unit on sustainable housing. I was aware of all the reusable grocery bags, recycling, and other parts of the movement that we see everyday, but I had no idea that you could even make your house "green".
     Wind enery is another part of going green that i recently became interested in. My boyfriends sister lives in Rockport and when we visited her this summer I was amazed at all the windmills! Its crazy to think that those alien looking things spinning in the wind can create so much energy. Wind is one of the most renewable resources out there, I believe any town that could have windmills should definitely look into it.
     Those are just a few things that got me interested in going green and hopefully it sparked your interest as well. Check back weekly to learn more about going green!!

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